Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Will you change for me

Today I thought about all my relationship that passed by through those years.
Can we really learn and gain at least any experience from them or will we stay the same as we are?
Basically I know that I’ll never change in something big. I’m as I am and no one can really do something about it. I used to believe in bright future that after some months passed by, my boyfriend will be not as he was, but it means more to live in delusion than to be realistic. He can’t be someone else just as I can’t.
My friend Ann hated when her boyfriend was lying on the coach with popcorn and idiotic movie. She tried to change things a little bit, but what could she do? It is obviously impossible to explain that something he is doing is wrong only because she doesn’t like it. As something bad for one, is the best for other. I mean if someone would tell you that chocolate is so unhealthy would you consider to not eating it at all? Me-probably not.
We were just talking about unbearable things when my other friend Kate remembered her own story with kind of strange guy, who was making a mess everywhere he was. At first it wasn’t very irritating, but it was getting worse with time. When she got home after very long working day, his socks where everywhere instead where they should be - in bin. The situation was funny as dishes where on the bed in the bath and anyplace where it can even be thrown. The normal women will certainly speak with boyfriend. That was exactly what Kate was going to do. She learned the speech and was prepared for any situation and any question. She decided not to clean house that day, do not cook and even do not take socks from every corner and just sit, breathe out and start fully prepared conversation.
She started quite straight without any hints.
“Why are you putting your socks anywhere instead laundry bin” - Kate said with calm intonation like it wasn’t that thing, which she hated the most.
“I’ve never noticed” – with lightning speed answered Mike
Was he even serious? How you wouldn’t notice socks on the table.
The conversation was just starting.
“Why spaghetti is in the bathroom?” – Kate noticed. The slight aggregation was in the air.
“O…I must have forgot about them. Sorry” – bold-faced Mike told her.
But then, at that point, it was the end to the sweet candy Kate’s voice.
The result: huge scandal, socks everywhere, spaghetti in the bathroom, great sex, complete mutual understanding.
So maybe in some cases we can’t except and live with little imperfection of someone, but we can be blind to the real faults of each other.